Man sadly dies following Chichester collision
Man left with ‘potentially life-changing’ injuries following Bexhill collision
DM/22/0267: Leigh Manor Farmhouse, Cuckfield Road, Ansty. Erection of a detached barn/garage to the south of the dwelling, the removal of an existing store and associated landscaping. (Revised plans received 14.06.2022. Revised description agreed 17.06.2022).
DM/22/1903: Land East Of Broxmead Lane, Cuckfield. Steel frame agricultural buiding.
DM/22/1990: Merrywood, Staplefield Lane, Staplefield. Replace front conservatory with new porch. Single storey side and rear extension. Replace existing garage with oak framed garage.
DM/22/1977: Horsecroft, Lindfield Road. Single storey rear extension off main house and single storey infill to existing garage joining with rear extension, garage conversion, raise height of garage roof to meet new proposed flat roof.
DM/22/1944: The Waggon Wheels, 1 Tunnel Cottages, High Street. Two storey side and rear extension.
DM/22/1994: 4 London Road. Design of Conversion of existing garage into an annex.
DM/22/1945: 28 Sycamore Drive. Conversion of loft space with additional roof lights to front and rear elevations, to allow for an additional bedroom and ensuite.
DM/22/2004: 55 Meadow Lane. Single storey extension to front of property, adjustment of highway crossover / dropped kerb, and paving over of front garden for parking area.
DM/22/1292: 18 Manor Drive. Proposed first floor side extension. (Revised application form received 29th April 2022 revising the finish of the walls from tile hung to cement cladding.) (Revised plans and application form revising the finishing of the walls received 23.06.2022).
DM/22/1899: 17 Brainsmead Close. Single storey extension to the rear and side of the property. (amended description 22/06).
DM/22/1949: Queens Hall, High Street. Installation of a CCTV camera to the front elevation. Installation of a Platinum Jubilee Commemorative brass plaque to the front elevation between the existing noticeboard and other plaque.
DM/22/1950: Queens Hall, High Street. Installation of a CCTV camera to the front elevation. Installation of a Platinum Jubilee Commemorative brass plaque to the front elevation between the existing noticeboard and other plaque.
DM/22/0539: The Grange, Furze Lane. Two-storey rear extension. (Resubmission of DM/18/4384) (Existing plans and updated block plan received 22.06.2022. Updated site location plan received 23.06.2022).
DM/22/0965: Vittoria Cottage, 3 Saint Hill Green. Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation; and provision of additional windows to the ground floor front elevation. Amended description and revised plans received 20th June 2022.
DM/22/0966: Vittoria Cottage, 3 Saint Hill Green. Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation; and provision of additional windows to the ground floor front elevation. Amended description and revised plans received 20th June 2022.
DM/22/1251: Greenways, Sandy Lane. (Amended Plans received 21/06/2022) Single storey rear extension, two storey side and front extension with internal alterations.
DM/22/1909: The Cottage, 11B High Street. Demolition of existing rear single-storey outrigger extension and replacement with new dual-pitched roof with roof lights, together with minor internal alterations to the existing dwelling.
DM/22/1910: The Cottage, 11B High Street. Demolition of existing rear single-storey outrigger extension and replacement with new dual-pitched roof with roof lights, together with minor internal alterations to the existing dwelling.
DM/22/1943: 15 Crawfurd Way. Single-storey rear extension and garage conversion.
DM/22/1988: Pine Lodge, West Lane. First floor addition and changes to windows and doors.
DM/22/1995: 1-3 King Street. Extension and conversion at 1-3 King Street, East Grinstead to provide one residential unit, with cycle and refuse storage.
DM/22/1996: 78 Blount Avenue. Conversion of garage, 2 storey rear extension behind garage & 1st floor extension over garage.
DM/21/1653: Byanda, Brighton Road. Demolition of Byanda (a single residential property and ancillary buildings) and the erection of a 60 bedroom residential care facility, with associated access, ground works, car parking, servicing, private amenity space, landscaping, construction of substation unit and boundary treatment. (Amended plans submitted including reduction in bedrooms from 66 to 60 and changes to design, received 23/06/2022).
DM/22/1762: 14 London Road. Installation of an air source heat pump to the side of the property.
DM/22/1924: 14 Hurst Road. Proposed single storey rear extension, first floor storey extension with new pitched roof over, existing chimney extended above new roof level, new aluminium windows and doors, new mono-pitch apron roof and new walls to utility room and garage.
DM/22/1980: Broadhill Place, Ockley Lane. Erection of single storey extension.
DM/22/1987: 41 London Road. New vehicular drop-kerb and access off London Road.
DM/22/2011: The Summerhouse, Lodge Lane. T1 Ash Tree - Fell.
DM/22/0733: Land At Rogers Farm, Fox Hill. Erection of 20 dwellings with associated amenity/garden, landscaping and access/parking arrangements. (Amended plans showing design amendments received 16th June and drainage information received 22nd June).
DM/22/1537: Chestnut Corner, Snowdrop Lane, Lindfield. Proposed entrance gates and piers.
DM/22/1555: Chestnut Corner, Snowdrop Lane, Lindfield. Conversion of the integral garage as an extension to the existing kitchen.
DM/22/1925: Vale Primary Care Centre, Bolding Way. Changes in external appearance including alterations to fenestration and doorways and the incorporation of roof mounted PV panels and an additional parking space in connection with internal alterations redistributing the existing Healthcare and Pharmacy activities.
DM/22/1947: Path Head, Fox Hill. Proposed first floor extension above an existing ground floor.
DM/22/1948: 22 Summerhill Close. Single storey rear extension to lower ground floor and relocation of entrance door on side elevation.
DM/22/1959: 5 Lucastes Avenue. T1 Tree - Fell.
DM/22/1963: Land North Of 63 Perrymount Road. Proposed 5G telecoms installation: 20m street pole and 3 additional ancillary equipment cabinets and associated ancillary works.
DM/22/1970: 14 The Droveway. 1 x Oak - reduce height of crown by approx. 3m, reduce spread of crown to maintain shape and thin by 15% to reduce windage and reduce overhang in neighbouring gardens.
DM/22/1973: 4 Butlers Green House, Butlers Green Road. Install new half hour fire resisting internal door into a new opening through a modern (20th C) concrete blockwork partition. This is to form an internal access into the existing ground floor utility space associated with Flat 4. The new door is to match the style of existing door to flat.
DM/22/1976: Timbers, Rookery Way. Extending garage on west elevation. Part demolition and erection of side wall to west elevation.
DM/22/1984: 28 Gower Road. Single storey rear extension.
DM/22/1985: Grass Verge Adjacent To 2 Priory Way. Proposed 5G telecoms installation: 15m street pole and 3 additional ancillary equipment cabinets and associated ancillary works.
DM/22/1993: Elegance, 21-23 The Broadway. The proposed development includes, repainting the current shop front, replacing the current signage for the previous tenant with a new 4m x 1m sign on each facia and installing some LED downlights to illuminate the name on the new sign.
DM/22/1960: Apple Tree Cottage, The Green. Yew Tree No 1- reduce crown by approximately 3 metres, Yew Tree No 2 - reduce crown and by approximately 1.5 metres, shape side of both Yew trees. Bay Tree - reduce crown by approximately 3 metres and shape. Greengage tree - remove 2 limbs overhanging garage roof. Raise remaining Greengage canopy to allow for at least one metre clearance from garage roof.
DM/22/1938: 92 Wickham Hill, Hurstpierpoint. Removal of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension.
DM/22/1958: 4 Hurstbeech Close, Hurstpierpoint. Single storey rear extension, conversion of garage loft space to form new office with 2 new dormer window. New dormer window and 3 new roof lights to existing loft.
DM/22/1979: St Lukes Roman Catholic Church, Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint. Proposed change of use of place of worship to 1 dwelling with external changes to fenestration plus removal of a section of the exisitng roof to create a garden area.
DM/22/1307: Land Rear Of 67 Sunte Avenue. Proposed pair of 4 bed semi detached dwellings at land r/o 67 Sunte Avenue.
DM/22/1702: Lime Tree Cottage, Chaloner Road. Acer Negundo - Crown Thin by 40%.
DM/22/1787: 25 Summerhill Grange. Group of x5 Sycamores - reduction of overall crown by no more than 4 metres, x2 Sycamores leaning on boundary fence - fell. Laurel trees- shaped with crown reduction of no more than 1 metre.
DM/22/1782: 26 Slaugham Manor, Slaugham Place. Addition of 4 Velux windows to the North-facing side of the roof of 26 Slaugham Manor.
DM/22/1922: 37 The Squires, Pease Pottage. Proposed rear extension to kitchen and garage.
DM/22/1951: 1 Mount Noddy, Paddockhurst Road. New single garage incorporating bike/garden tool store and home office space.
DM/22/1974: Shamrock Cottage, North Street. Retention of replacement fence.
DM/22/1878: Wyndham Croft, Selsfield Road, Turners Hill. Installation of pre-fabricated timber car port and summerhouse. (amended site address 21/06).
DM/22/1170: Inglewell, Sandhill Lane, Crawley Down. Double-storey rear extension. External materials to match existing property. Home refurbishment with window replacement. Air source heat pump installation. Description amended to include raised terraced area to rear with amended plans received to show raised terrace and location of air source heat pump.
DM/22/1989: Land Rear Of Tamarind, Copthorne Common, Copthorne. Proposed new 5-bed dwelling on Land to the rear of Tamarind, Copthorne Common, further to approval DM/22/0129 on larger site.