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CLEVELAND , March 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- A new Freedonia Group analysis finds that growth in the US residential roofing market will be driven by the smaller new housing segment through 2025. While both new and reroofing demand will slow considerably from rates of the 2015-2020 period, the analysis finds that new roofing – particularly construction of single-family homes – will account for about twice as many gains as reroofing:
The reroofing market will continue to account for nearly 80% of the demand total, but growth through 2025 will be limited by the large number of older or worn roofs that were repaired or replaced in 2020 due to:
Those residences that underwent roof repair or replacement in 2020 will generally not require further work in the near term, which will restrain growth opportunities going forward.
Residential Roofing, now available from The Freedonia Group, analyzes US residential roofing demand by product, application (new vs. reroofing), slope (steep-slope vs. low-slope), and US geographic region. Demand is provided in both area terms (squares) and value terms (US dollars).
Roofing product demand is segmented by the following product types:
Demand for roofing is also analyzed by housing type:
About the Freedonia Group - The Freedonia Group, a division of MarketResearch.com, is the premier international industrial research company, providing our clients with product analyses, market forecasts, industry trends, and market share information. From one-person consulting firms to global conglomerates, our analysts provide companies with unbiased, reliable industry market research and analysis to help them make important business decisions. With over 100 studies published annually, we support over 90% of the industrial Fortune 500 companies. Find off-the-shelf studies at https://www.freedoniagroup.com/ or contact us for custom research: +1 440.842.2400.
Press Contact: Corinne Gangloff +1 440.842.2400 [email protected]
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