Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), in cooperation with Maine Resource and Recovery Association, is again offering local residents the opportunity to improve soil and conserve water right in their own backyards at deep discount prices.
“It’s easy with the tried-and-true 80-gallon Earth Machine backyard composter and the 55-gallon Systern rain barrel,” said SWCD, in a news release. “Both are made of recycled materials, designed to fit into any landscape, and are offered at wholesale prices. The Earth Machine composter has an ‘in at the top/out at the bottom’ design and a 10-year warranty. The Systern rain barrel fits under a downspout to take advantage of roof run-off for garden watering and has built-in mosquito mesh and overflow capability.”
SWCD is also offering a 3’ x 4’ trap wire bin made by Brooks Trap Mill in Thomaston that has a ¾ cubic yard capacity.
“This larger bin, made of coated lobster trap wire, is perfect for yard debris and has the seal of approval from some of Maine’s top composting experts,” said the release.
To make it even easier to convert kitchen scraps into soil, SWCD also has accessories: a 2-gallon Sure Close kitchen scrap pail with vented, locking lid that keeps odors in and flies out; Wingdigger compost aerator and turner to mix compost layers and decrease compaction without straining your back; and the REOtemp compost thermometer with a 20” stem to monitor interior temperatures and turn anyone into a serious composting enthusiast.
Prices for all items are well below suggested retail.
Ordering deadline is Friday, April 22, 2022. Either order online at or download an order form on the K-L SWCD website and send with check. Scheduled pickups for composting items will be in June at the District office located at 893 West Street (Rt 90), Rockport. For more information or to request an order form by mail, contact Knox-Lincoln SWCD at 596-2040 or
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